[JS Practice] Valid The Coupon Code

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Valid The Coupon Code


Your online store likes to give out coupons for special occasions. Some customers try to cheat the system by entering invalid codes or using expired coupons.

Your mission:
Write a function called checkCoupon to verify that a coupon is valid and not expired. If the coupon is good, return true. Otherwise, return false.

A coupon expires at the END of the expiration date. All dates will be passed in as strings in this format: “June 15, 2014”

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[JS Practice] Find majuscule letters

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Find majuscule letters



Write a function capitals that takes a single string (word) as argument. The functions must return an ordered list containing the indexes of all capital letters in the string.


Test.assertSimilar( capitals('CodEWaRs'), [0,3,4,6] );

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[JS Practice] Difference of 2 (相差2)

Title :

Difference of 2


The objective is to obtain the various sets of integers that have a difference of 2 from a given array of integers. The result array should be sorted in ascending order of values.

So for example for the array of integers

[1,2,3,4] should return [[1,3],[2,4]]

[4,1,2,3] should also return [[1,3],[2,4]]

[1,23,3,4,7] should return [[1,3]]

Assume there are no duplicate integers in the array. The order of the integers in the input array should not matter.

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