[Mac] Github + atom

Good news !

From mac os 10.8, it begins to support Github, we don’t need to install a third-part application, sounds good.

After got a try, it is really good, just create a repository and do the git init command, after we can clone the existing project or create a new one.



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C’est pas fini. That’s not all, Github provided several methods to visualize the project.

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And I found a very useful, even better than Sublime, because it doesn’t need to make the complex configuration, and easy to install the tools, for example, vim mode etc.

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AddThis, which is a very good site, makes u know how many audiences you have.

Choose a style you like, just click Get AddThis button, and you will get this:

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>

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The first time I touch textmate is in my internship in Pyramyd. Seb, who is my chef and a very good and humorous french guy, recommends me to use it. Later, I find that I felt in love with this little app. It is so cool when using Mac to develop Ruby on Rails.

Got from wikipedia: Continue reading